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Efie Jane Wolfe and George Thomas Childs, parents of Wayne, Nora, Wiley, Roy, Aaron, Marvin and Nell gave the land for the mission to be built.

On the date of September 5, 1948, at two o’clock in the afternoon, a meeting was called at the South Harriman Mission for the purpose of organizing a Baptist church. The following ministers were present: Tom Scarbrough, O.C. Rainwater, David Burris, Fred Rudder, E.H. Howard, C.S. Little and Rev. Hurst. There were also present several deacons from South Harriman church.

Rev. Tom Scarbrough served as the moderator of the meeting. Rev. David Burris gave the devotional after which brother O.C. Rainwater brought the message.

Rev. Fred Rudder read the Articles of Faith and the church voted to accept these articles of faith; also, brother Rudder read the Baptist Church Covenant, and, after a motion and second, the church voted to accept the Church Covenant.

A motion was made by G.V. Whaley and seconded by C.S. Little that the church become organized and a properly constituted Baptist Church.

A motion was made to name the church “Childs Memorial Baptist Church” and the vote was unanimous to accept this name.

The congregation stood and sang together “Amazing Grace” after which brother E.H. Howard led in prayer.

At this time, a nomination was made, and, by a unanimous vote, Rev. Luther Hurst was called as the pastor of the church. The call seemed to be indefinite. Brother Luther Hurst then took charge of the service.

The church voted to accept Mr. Curtis Martin as the Clerk and Treasurer.

The church voted to accept the following men as active deacons (The had formerly been ordained by the South Harriman church): Mr. Tom Oran, Mr. Marvin Childs, and Mr. Woodrow Jett.

Bro. Tom Scarbrough took charge of the service and he opened the door of the church. Rev. Luther Hurst, his wife and daughter came under the watchcare of the church. The church with the other Christians gave to them the hand of Christian welcome as the congregation stood and sang together… “I Am Bound for the Promised Land”.

The recommendation was made by Tom Scarbrough that the church prepare its letter and join the Big Emory Association meeting this week at the Wartburg Baptist Church.

Bro. Burris made the recommendation that the church soon appoint a board of Trustees.

Rev. O.C. Bainwater made the recommendation that the church go on record as becoming willing to cooperate with our Baptist Mission Program, after which, one of the members arose and said that it was understood that all the members of the church were willing to cooperate in the Baptist work.

Bro. David Burris made the suggestion that the finances of the church be deposited in the bank in the name of the church. An offering for the building fund was taken which amounted to $61. The pastor, Rev. Luther Hurst took charge and announced services for the evening and prayer meeting Wednesday night. The congregation stood and was dismissed by C.S. Little.

Rev. Fred Lamance held our first Revival in 1948.

Bought a wood stove in 1951.

Voted to put city water and a gas furnace in the church in 1952.

The new auditorium was added to the church in 1959.

Bro. Sam Martin gave land for the church cemetery in 1965.

Air conditioned the big auditorium and installed natural gas in 1967.

Voted to pay off and give the parsonage to Rev. Jim and Dela Jenkins in August 1968.

The church purchased its first P.A. system in 1968 for $110.

The piano was purchased in February 1969 and pledges were taken for the organ, which was purchase two weeks later.

Purchased property from Nell Galyon in June 1969 for the Youth Building.

Parsonage and land were purchased from Jr. Clark in 1969, and the note was paid off in 1971.

Youth building and Baptistery were built in 1975.

In 1976, the church voted to carpet the parsonage and purchase the land across from the church.

Members worked together in 1982, donating their money and time to clean off the bank on the east side of the church and sowed grass.

The church voted to hire Susan Fuller as part-time Youth Director in 1984.

Built a new ladies’ restroom in 1986.

In 1987, Bro. Dennis Ellis was hired as part-time Minister of Education and Bro. Allen Russell as part-time Youth Director.