Have you ever been asked if you were a sinner or if you were lost? Initially such a question is quite offensive, but in truth, both questions are extremely important to each of us. They determine our destiny between an eternal life with Christ in Heaven or an eternal death in Hell. Ultimately these questions are a matter of life or death in where you will spend all of eternity.

The first question, of whether we are a sinner, is one that is answered in Romans 3:23 where we are told that “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” None of us are perfect and we have all had our shortcomings. We all have, at some point in time, disappointed God with our thoughts or our behavior. As a result, there are consequences for our sins. In fact, these consequences are quite serious to say the least. In Romans 6:23, the Bible says, “the wages of sin is death.” To be clear, the death mentioned here is not just when we die here on earth, it is an eternal death in a place called Hell. A place of torment and the absence of God. A pretty grim outlook since we know that everyone has sinned. So what is the alternative? How can I pay such a price? Here is the best part…you don’t have to, because in the second part of that verse it says, “but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” A precious gift of forgiveness and mercy.

So why would Jesus pay this gift? In Romans 5:8, the Bible says, “That God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Just take a moment to think about that verse. The payment of my sins was actually paid by Jesus, and as a result, I am now offered a great gift, the gift of salvation from sin. And all because He loved us. Another verse in the Bible, that is popular around the world, is John 3:16 where we are told “for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life.”

What a wonderful gift that Jesus has given to each of us. A way to be forgiven of sin and to receive eternal life with Christ. Unfortunately, many people never receive this gift. Its definitely available to anyone, remember He said “whosoever”. So why do so many not receive this gift? Why would anyone not want to be forgiven of their sins? Or more importantly, why would YOU not want to be forgiven of YOUR sins? My prayer for you is that today might be the day that you pray and ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins and to give you eternal life.

If you would like to talk to someone personally about making this decision then I would invite you to call 865-882-0847. Leave your name and number and someone will be glad to get back with you. May you have a most blessed day.

Pastor Tim Shelton